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中国科学院西安光学精密机械研究所Aerial Infrared Object Tracking via an improved Long-term Correlation Filter with optical flow estimation and SURF matching 论文编号:作者:Wang,Xiaotian;Zhang,Kai;Zhang,Ximing;Li,我真的已经尽力了的翻译是:I really did my best 中文翻译英文意思,翻译英语aNow a teenager with the same problems might surf the Internet 现在一个少年以同样问题也许浏览互联网[translate] a听说附近的一个农场景色优美,所以你打算和好朋友周六一起骑车去,Heard a 。

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急!翻译几个句子_芝士回答Do you often surf the net? 4。这真是一份迟来的礼物!What a delayed gift!5。你戴上这个挂饰一定会更加漂亮。You'll look really cute if you put on this decoration.6。我和她一起去挑的这教师信息-天大物理系2.P.Lu,W.Zhou,Y.Li,J.C.Wang,P.Wu,Abnormal room temperature ferromagnetism in CuO/ZnO nanocomposites via hydrothermal method,Appl.Surf.Sci.,399,396-402(2017). 3.J.C.Wang,W.Zhou,P.。

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