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snap finger在音乐中什么意思

时间:2023-06-01 02:32 阅读数:9818人阅读

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snap finger在音乐中什么意思

≥0≤ 乐器中英文对应表-哔哩哔哩26 Finger Snap 2 响指2 (以上Roland SC-88 Pro)27 Hi Q 激光枪声28 Synth Slap 合成拍音29 Scratch 2 高音刷音30 Scratch 1 低音刷音31 Sticks 鼓槌32 Square Click 敲方板33 snap finger_权威例句Those on the receiving end have to keep a finger on a photo to view,a feature meant to deter users who might snap a picture for posterity.。

snap finger_书面语例句Everything was gone with the snap of a finger,"said Nancy Dunham,who has health issues of her own,as she looks at her husband in the background. 自己也存在健康问题的南希·Snap Finger Click-Quiz Time-Territory:Design|Story|Technology-Territory Studio is a creative specialist with a unique approach to Snap Finger Click-Quiz Time-Territory:Design|Story|Technology-Territory Studio is a creative specialist with a unique approach to motion design and vfx,brand and digital 。

Thin line snap finger like easy logo.concept of female or male make flicking fingers and popular gesturing.linear abstract trend Thin line snap finger like easy logo.concept of female or male make flicking fingers and popular gesturing.linear abstract trend simple okey logotype graphic design isolated on Old person of 7 a period of ten days burns rubbish blast to snap fingerreally fierceit is th-{cke_protected}{C}%3C!2D%2D%3F%3D%70 years old at uncle a be guard of alkaline plant of Liaoning Benxi county average farmer,burned around oneself a few days ago when rubbish,abrupt by rubbish medium"explosive。

snap-finger是什么意思,snap-finger的解释-英汉词典-单词乎snap-finger是什么意思,snap-finger的解释:【医】扳机状指,弹响指,snap-finger中英例句,英汉词典。打响指是什么意思_红联In Spain,snapping the thumb and first finger together a few times is a form of applause. 5:酒吧服务员知道该轮到谁了,而且,我可以打响指来吸引他的注意。The bar tenders know whose 。

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