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excess reserves

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超额存款准备金,excess reserves,在线英语词典,英文翻译,专业英语Density and viscosity data were used in determination of excess volume and excess viscosity. 并由密度和粘度数据计算该物系的超额体积和超额粘度,同时对不同温度下的超额体积与组成的关系Excess Reserves-金融百科金融知识Capital reserves held by a bank or financial institution in excess of what is required by regulators,creditors or internal controls.For commercial banks,excess reserves are 。

excess reserve_双语例句Excess reserves refer to the part of deposits that surpasses required reserve. 超额储备金指的是超过法定储备的那部分存款。youdao The counterpart to their assets is Banks ' excess reserves_权威例句T-Bills are purchased by Depository Institutions,who pay for them with Excess Reserves,or Vault Cash. FORBES:Congress' Money Vault But deregulated outfits like Enron are less 。

excess reserve_书面语例句The central bank must pay the interest to the excess reserve and the current excess reserves ' annual interest rate is 0.99%. 中央银行必须为超额储备支付利息,目前的超额excess reserves_口语例句Moreover,Banks have been happy to hold much of that new money as excess reserves. 再者,银行都乐意将那些新钱当作额外储备。youdao Total gross value of inventory at standard。

超额准备金(excess reserves)超额准备金(excess reserves) 超额准备金(excess reserves) 简答题官方参考答案(由简答题聘请的专业题库老师提供的解答)查看官方参考答案轻松一刻:免费趣味测试测一测你的社交信息【英译汉】excess reserves-考生网全专业资料、题库、学位、网课最高直省2344元您可能感兴趣的试题1、单选题]We have to raise our prices because of the increase in the cost of_materials. A、primitive B、rough C。

该词条未找到_海词词典Based on the cost method of reserves value calculation,the paper puts forward the value evaluation model of natural gas reserves(excess income general model)for the first time.本文Excess reserves,interbank markets and domestic money market interventionThis paper considers whether relationships exist between the daily weighted average 7-day interbank rate,the change in the daily 7-day interbank rate,the daily level of commercial 。



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