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时间:2023-07-05 17:12 阅读数:7760人阅读

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Green Lantern《绿灯侠》精讲之五[2]精彩对白:I’m a Green Lantern.I fear nothing.Fear is the enemy of will.Will is what makes you take action.Fear is what stops you and makes you weak.Makes your constructs feeble.Green Lantern《绿灯侠》精讲之六[3]Green Lantern《绿灯侠》精讲之五参考答案1.The way she speaks reeks of affectation. 2.The man is absolutely a loser. 3.The teacher dismissed the class ten minutes early. 4.She is 。

Green Lantern《绿灯侠》精讲之四[2]Green Lantern《绿灯侠》精讲之三参考答案1.You cost us all our jobs. 2.They live off fruit and nuts. 3.I don't know how she manages to live off her painting. 4.I find their Green Lantern《绿灯侠》精讲之二[2]Green Lantern《绿灯侠》精讲之一参考答案1.We usually sleep in for a bit on Sundays. 2.I promise you that he will show up. 3.Any idea who will be laid off?4.The pilot was grounded 。

Green Lantern《绿灯侠》精讲之三[1]Hal:Okay,all right.Place the ring,then speak the oath.The oath.Because everybody knows the oath.Used to sing it in camp.I,Hal Jordan.do solemnly swear.to pledge allegiance.to a China's Lantern Festival around corner_English_China Youth InternationalTourists visit a lantern fair to greet the upcoming Lantern Festival in Danzhai County,southwest China's Guizhou Province,Feb.27,2018.The Lantern Festival falls on the 15th day of 。

Wuxi's upcoming Lantern Festival activitiesMarking the official"end"of the Chinese New Year holiday,the Lantern Festival falls on the 15th day of the first month of the lunar calendar.Let's check out what's going on in Wuxi端午节我们来说说holiday和festival的区别the Lantern Festival 元宵节the Mid-autumn Festival 中秋节the Chongyang Festival 重阳节File photo:The Yuanmingyuan Cup Dragon Boat Competition was held in Yuanmingyuan Ruins Park。

“南瓜节”来狂欢:恶作剧还是招待?英语点津One story about Jack,an Irishman,who was not allowed into Heaven because he was stingy with his money.So he was sent to hell.But down there he played tricks on the Devil(Satan),so 留学日记:在英国家庭过鬼节还有一天就是万圣夜了,在我不断催促下,房东家终于准备开动南瓜灯(Jack-o-lantern)了。好奇的我特别激动,终于可以亲手制作南瓜灯了!我自告奋勇地张罗着。其实做南瓜灯远不像想象的那么简单。

