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snapping up_snapping up

时间:2023-05-26 05:50 阅读数:2543人阅读

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snapping是什么意思,snapping怎么读,snapping翻译为:显著地,强烈地,非常-听力课堂在线翻译发音:snæpɪŋ] 解释:adv. 显著地,强烈地,非常地v. 猛地咬住( snap的现在分词);(使某物)发出尖厉声音地突然断裂[打开,关闭];厉声地说;拍照学个词Learn A Word:3214 snap up 快速得到、抢先拿到snap up 是快速得到、抢先拿到的意思。Italian Film Director Bernardo Bertolucci was the only Italian to win the Oscar for best film,snapping up the award for“The Last Emperor”.。

每日托福词汇:火车票奇葩验证码_托福资讯-新东方在线移动版此外,为防止黄牛党(scalpers)囤票抢票(snapping up quantities of tickets)再以高价转手(reselling them at inflated prices),12306近日开始执行手机“双向核验”(two-factor authentication)break、break off、give up、sever、snap的区别_近义词词典_词林在线词典snap.ping)及物动词1 a.使…发出啪哒[劈啪,啪]声;砰然射击~a whip使鞭子劈啪作响~a rubber band使橡皮筋发轻脆的响声~one's fingers(用两根指头)叭地一弹b.把啪哒一声关上He~ped down the 。

snap是什么意思_snap中文意思_snap英译汉_英汉词典Shoppers crowded into downtown stores,snapping up once-rationed consumer goods. 顾客们拥入市中心的商店,抢购曾是计划供应的消费品。3.使发劈啪声;捻(手指)使劈啪作声;啪地关上(或打开等) Lang Ping to snap up senior managerial job-China.org.cnChina's star volleyball coach Lang Ping,who has been revered as a national hero after the women volleyball team's epic victory at the 2016 Rio Olympics,is set for a senior official。

每日一词:snapup_百度文库snap up 是快速得到、抢先拿到的意思。Italian Film Director Bernardo Bertolucci was the only Italian to win the Oscar for best film,snapping up the award for“The Last Emperor”.该词条未找到_海词词典Shoppers crowded into downtown stores,snapping up once-rationed consumer goods.顾客们拥入市中心的商店,抢购曾是计划供应的消费品。The cheapest goods were soon snapped up.最便宜的货品。

Star volleyball coach Lang Ping to snap up senior managerial job-Sports-Chinadaily.com.cnChina's star volleyball coach Lang Ping,who has been revered as a national hero after the women volleyball team's epic victory at the 2016 Rio Olympics,is set for a senior officialSnap Definition&Meaning|Dictionary.comPeople stuck at home have been snap ping up them up while the number of the consoles produced has tumbled because of shuttered factories. The scientists used the Very Large 。

